Saturday, December 27, 2008

Always Carry Your Phone to the Dining Room Table

I missed one phone call on Christmas Day. It happened during dinner, around 7:30 pm. Our dining room is set off far from the kitchen where both the land line and the portable phones were located and we all knew that even if we sprinted down the hallway, we wouldn't get to the phone in time to answer. I did not even try to get up and get it. That happened to be a big mistake.

You see, my sister and her family went on a cruise down in the Caribbean Islands over the Christmas Holiday break. Before she left, she told me that we would not be able to talk as there is no phone service on the boat. She said all communication would have to be through email messages. Except when your sister is very clever and convinces the Captain of the ship to allow her to use the company phone to call her family on Christmas Day!

As the phone rang that evening during dinner, I did not budge because all the people I love was sitting around the table. (I also knew if it was someone on Bill's side of the family needed to get through to us, they would call his cell number next). I figured it to be a random prank call or wrong number. But I was wrong...

What's so sad about this little story of mine, is that I am 51 years old and not one year has gone by in my entire life that I have not seen or spoken to my sister on Christmas Day. Never. It worked on the Captain and I should have had enough hope that it might happen and bring the GD phone to the table!

Of course, my heart and soul is always with my wonderful, little sister, no matter if we speak, email or just pray. Merry Christmas, Junebug and a Happy New Year. Talk to you soon.


June said...

Thanks Beth. I love you too. We're back now - Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Hi Beth, Yep always carry it. My wife doesn1t like to answer the phone but I do. You never know it could be you`ve won alot of money. Always answer the phone

June said...

I have a new travel comment. Has anyone ever been to or heard of anyone going to Hermitage Bay in Antigua?

Julie!! said...

awwwhhh beth your so lucky that you have a sister and your extremley lucky that you two are best friends!! I'm so jealous

Scott said...

Your blog has been added! I appreciate you adding my blog to your blogroll too!